Below are frequently asked questions, you may find the answer for yourself
You can always contact us directly if your questions are not answered here.
Do I need a prescription?
You do if you are ordering prescription only medications. We require a valid prescription written by a medical licensed practitioner.
Can I speak directly to a pharmacist to ask questions about my medication(s)?
Yes. You can speak to Pharmacist by using our live chat bolt or by calling our toll free number 0800404044 or our Whatsapp Line 0200004044. Consultation with a Pharmacist is always free at Pillpoint Pharmacy.
How long will my order take to arrive?
All orders are delivered in an average time of 30 mins or less. You can call our too free number if you have a problems with your order.
Can I place an order for another person at a different geographical location?
Yes you can. You will have to be specific about the location and you can make your payments via mobile money
Do I pay for Delivery?
Delivery is absolutely FREE!
Where can I locate your branch?
Kindly visit our to find a branch near you!